a journey to motherhood

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sit still.

So I went to Cebu temple. 
It was beyond amazing. 
And as always and will never forget a counsel from my mission president.. 
Learning doesn't start from the actual training, it starts in the preparation. 

This is a photo taken when we first arrived in the patron house, 
a part of preparation before entering the house of the Lord once again. 
Sure enough, more thoughts while sitting in the little extension of heaven...

Tough times. Frail in heart. 
Sometimes you just have to sit still, surrender your all warrior self and know there is a God. 
A loving Heavenly Father who knows every inch of  you inclusive of your most vulnerable sides 
and a loving Savior who knows you can be like him despite and in spite of your vulnerabilities. 
The world will always tell you otherwise so from time to time.. 
sit still and know strength is when you choose to be one. 
Sit still and know true happiness is always just around the corner. 
Sit still and know when you stand up, you can conquer the world once more.
Tough times are never for the frailty of heart, that's for sure. 
It's for the heart. though fragile, to hang in there courageously.
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