Hi family and friends!
First of all I had a haircut. Sister B. gave it a great shape only it was shorter than what I asked for. The internet shop here at Gaisano doesn't allow any devices attached to their computer. It's weird, so I might just make up next week for the photos. I think I can still pull the short hair. :)
My hair is probably not so important so let me tell you the more interesting part. We were supposed to transfer apartment on Thursday. We packed everything and dissembled the beds even. Our zone leaders and district leader traveled to help us. We loaded our first batch of things already to the jeep we rented when the subd owner stopped us and offered us a better house. I will not try to go into more details anymore but it was crazy! We returned and unpacked whatever we can. The beds are still not assembled as we opted to wait to be transferred to the other house they promised. The four of us are grateful the hunting for apartment is over and all efforts are for the work again.
Letters and emails are missionaries' vitamis so they say. Thank you everyone! The letter E. Javelona send me finally arrived and included are lots of MTC photos. I am excited to send those home as soon as I can.