a journey to motherhood

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 4: 18 Stones, 18 Months!

I thought I should talk more about these stones, Our mission president gave these to us before they sent us to our first areas. In Ether 6, the brother of Jared presented stones to the Lord. It gave light to their vessels and so great was the faith of the brother of Jared the Lord cannot withhold the things that he beheld. 
Now it's up to us how to let these stones light and shine in our mission. It will be according to our faith, hardwork and obedience. 1 stone spent already and here's to 17 more that will light and shine brightly in Butuan.
I know Haleys been counting days until I come home. She won't anymore because she'll have these precious stones as my family will receive one each month. :) 

Sister Javelona

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